Hangzhou Zkong Networks Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Zkong Networks Co., Ltd.

Zkong Click & Collect Solution with Reliable ESL System

Publisher:Zkong Release time:Jun 15 , 2020 Source:Zkong

According to Nielsen* estimated that prior to COVID-19 only 4% of grocery sales were online and much the same behavior exhibited elsewhere.

However, many stores are enforcing limited times and numbers of shoppers during COVID-19 to ensure the safety of staff and customers, as well as compliance with government-mandated lockdown rules.

This has led to a focus on click & collect solutions.

-- What is click & collect ?

· A hybrid e-commerce model in which people purchase items online and pick them up in-store or at a centralized collection point.

Zkong Click & Collect Solution with Reliable ESL System

Zkong Click & Collect Solution with Reliable ESL System

-- How does Zkong ESL management system offer on efficiency enhancements for click & collect ?

· We assist the picker in finding the product much quicker with ZKONG ESL and the flashing of the digital shelf labels, LED reminder,facilitates and speeds up the orders picking.

Zkong Click & Collect Solution with Reliable ESL System

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