Hangzhou Zkong Networks Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Zkong Networks Co., Ltd.

Industry News

We Change the Game for Modern Retail
We Change the Game for Modern Retail
Jul 04 , 2024
In modern retail, Electronic Shelf Labels (ESL) have become key tools for enhancing operational efficiency and optimizing customer experience. As a leader in this field, ZKONG offers not only price di...
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ZKONG Networks Won the 2019 “Star of Wisdom” Award
ZKONG Networks Won the 2019 “Star of Wisdom” Award
Jun 29 , 2020
ZKONG networks won the "Most Popular ESL Brand" and "Most Popular Smart Store Solution" in the 2nd ' Star of Wisdom ' China Annual Smart Retail Awards (2019).Since its laun...
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Zkong Confirmed an Outstanding Position in ESL Industry at Euroshop
Zkong Confirmed an Outstanding Position in ESL Industry at Euroshop
Feb 26 , 2020
Known as the No.1 retail exhibition, Euroshop 2020 was held during 5 fulfilled days. When hundreds of thousands of exhibitors and visitors come to the show to explore, discuss and celebrate the most e...
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Zkong's New Digital Signage Application at China Light Manufacturing CIO Forumvv
Zkong's New Digital Signage Application at China Light Manufacturing CIO Forumvv
Oct 21 , 2019
The world now is in an era of digital revolution, and data plays as the engine that drives economy and society forward. Almost each sector of industry is looking for a new way to long term development...
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World's No.1 Cloud Electronic Shelf Label System
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