Hangzhou Zkong Networks Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Zkong Networks Co., Ltd.

What Are the Future Trends in Electronic Shelf Label Technology?

Publisher:Zkong Release time:Sep 18 , 2024 Source:Zkong

As the demand for store digitalization increases, the electronic shelf label market is experiencing significant opportunities. According to data from Guanyan World, the market size of the industry is growing as the application scope of electronic shelf label technology expands. This vast market is motivating upstream suppliers in the electronic shelf label industry to accelerate their investments. So, what trends can we expect in the future development of electronic shelf label technology?

Display Driver Chip Iteration: Moving Toward Multi-Color Displays

For most people, electronic pricing labels typically appear in black and white or, at most, two colors. However, as display technology matures and market demand grows, electronic shelf label technology is evolving from monochrome displays to multi-color displays. In this progression, the display driver chip plays a crucial role.

Along with the upgrades in display capabilities, the sensor functions of electronic shelf labels are also improving. These include active detection features, such as monitoring and reporting electrical abnormalities like component damage or voltage fluctuations. Additionally, temperature sensors can automatically adjust the display effect based on the surrounding environment. These enhancements allow electronic shelf label technology to be applied in more diverse environments, beyond just standard supermarkets.


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The Clear Trends: Intelligence, Visualization, and Energy Efficiency

When discussing the future of electronic shelf label technology, industry experts express great confidence and optimism. First, the technology is moving toward greater intelligence. With the rapid development of the Internet of Things (IoT), intelligent electronic shelf label technology can communicate in real time with backend systems, enabling accurate updates of prices, inventory, and promotional information. This improves store management efficiency while enhancing the shopping experience for consumers.

Secondly, the trend of visualization and customization is becoming apparent in electronic shelf label technology. Modern consumers place a high value on brand experience and have higher expectations for how product information is displayed. As a result, electronic shelf label manufacturers are focused on developing more diverse and visually appealing display functions, such as high-definition displays, vibrant color screens, and customizable templates to meet the needs of different stores.

electronic price

Additionally, energy efficiency and environmental sustainability have become significant trends in electronic shelf label technology. With the growing awareness of environmental protection, manufacturers are committed to developing more energy-efficient products. By utilizing low-power chips and LED backlight technology, energy consumption can be effectively reduced, extending the lifespan of the products. Moreover, some manufacturers have introduced electronic shelf labels powered by solar energy or wireless energy transmission, further minimizing environmental impact.

In terms of chip manufacturers, several companies are releasing products that cater to market demands. On one hand, they focus on improving chip performance and power efficiency, developing electronic shelf label chips suitable for different sizes and requirements. On the other hand, they are enhancing collaboration with software developers to provide more stable and efficient drivers and interfaces for electronic shelf label technology.


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